iStaffHub provides a unique market place to connect nurses, Care Assistants, housekeeping and catering staff, providing care or other services to the nursing homes. Staff are offered better pay rates and matched to the most suitable shifts using effective matching algorithms.
SIGN UP More InfoBenefits for all parties - Providers improve fill rate of temporary workers and reduce overall staffing costs while compliant and available workers benefit with better rates and improved choices as well as matches to the most relevant shifts.
Registered nurses with a minimum of 12-month experience, Care assistants as well as Team Leaders, Housekeeping and Catering staff, can sign up with just a few clicks, get their password and complete the registration by uploading required documents such as proof of identification, DBS certificates or other compliance justifications. Once sign up is complete and confirmed, download the App, view available jobs, then start your selection.
Apply for jobsiStaffHub eliminates the need for an agency in the middle by directly connecting providers with compliant and available workers. The self-serve interface offers workers' selection and compliance completion as front-end activities while enabling providers to focus on administering the best service to their clients.
Providers post shifts on iStaffHub with all the information required including pay rate. A very transparent process
iStaffHub lets staff select and complete shifts that match pre-set criteria, from any device, based on indicated time-offs
All hourly computations and timesheets are processed in the backend. Workers just have to clock in and out
A pool of qualified and experienced workers are available for selection
Most taks are automated helping to free your valuable time to servicing your clients
Easy to understand reports and analytics available in real-time, including monitoring or staff activity
Staff are provided with facility for upskilling and are kept compliant to the industry
You can save costs by eliminating the agency process
Your clients are happy to receive an improved level of service. iStaffHub transforms the service offering to a better experience